Onion Sets

Onion Varieties:

how to produce a large onion

  • Yellow Rocks – this is our most popular variety, which will produce a large sized onion, these onions will store well in dry-cool places, and will taste sweet when used in cooking.
  • Red Planets – this red variety will grow a good sized onion, which will taste a bit milder than other onions.
  • Silver moons – this Ebenezer type onion is popular for oriental and Mexican food dishes. The deeper you plant, the larger it will be.
  • Shallots – mild tasting cooking onion.
  • Cipolline – Italian pearl onion used in cooking.

How to Produce a Large Onion

Plant the Onion set in early spring, in a sunny area, and in well cultivated ground. Plant the onion sets 3 inches apart. Onion sets should be planted about 1-2 inches deep. Water onions generously at planting, and weekly as needed. When the top falls over, and is fully grown, dry the onion on the top of the ground for several days. When the onion has dried, remove it – and keep it in a dry, cool place.


Hungenberg Produce is NOT CONNECTED to the current Grimmway recall.

Important Notice: We DO NOT use any preservatives, Apeel, or any similar products on our carrots.